
s5_logo.png Mercury Class Yacht Racing Association (MCYRA)



The emblem shall be flying M as shown on the official sail plan.


To promote and develop Mercury Class racing under uniform rules governed by the Association, and to maintain the one design features of Mercury Class Yachts and encourage a role in Ocean Stewardship. (21 Jan 2012)


To keep the cost of construction, sails and Association dues at minimum in order that Mercury Yachts may be available to the largest numbers of owners, and to maintain a strictly one design class in those factors that effect the sailing qualities.


The Association has jurisdiction over all Mercury Class activities. The Class Rules govern all Mercury races, regardless by whom held. The Constitution, By-Laws and Rules are binding upon all members and fleets, and all registered Mercury Class Yachts must conform to the official plans and specifications.


Section 1. Membership in this Association shall be restricted to those who own, sail, or are interested in the Mercury Class Yacht. The members shall join through the fleet in whose waters they normally sail, except those persons situated where no organized fleet exists, may apply for member-ship directly to the Secretary of the Association. A member can belong to one fleet only. Fleets shall have the right to accept or reject applicants for membership. A rejected applicant may apply for Association membership to the executive committee through the Association Secretary. His application will be considered at the next regular meeting of the executive committee or at a special meeting, should one be called.
Section 2. Active members of the Association shall be those who are owners, part owners, or bona fide charterers of a measured and approved Mercury Class Yacht. A bona fide charterer shall be one who has chartered a measured and approved Mercury Class Yacht (24 Jan 2015). Only active members may vote, hold offices, or be entitled to sail as helmsman in Mercury Class races.
Section 3. Associate members shall be those who a re interested in promoting the welfare of the Mercury Class Yacht Racing Association, but are not entitled to active membership as above defined. Associate members are not entitled to the right to vote. They may substitute for the skipper at the tiller in an emergency or in a race with the approval of the race committee in case of unavoidable absence of the regular skipper.

Section 4. Honorary members shall consist of those having rendered extraordinary service to the Association. They shall be elected by the Executive Committee, and shall have the privileges of an active member in good standing. An honorary member pays no dues, fees or other assessments.
Section 5. Founder members shall include those persons interested in the welfare of the Mercury Class who are desirous of making a contribution of $25.00 per year to its activity and growth. (28 Jan 1995)
Section 6. Dues shall be fixed by the provisions of the By-Laws and must be paid before a member can be in good standing.
Section 7. Active membership shall be retained until the end of the calendar year by active members in good standing who may suffer the loss of their yachts during the year.
Section 8. A member may be expelled for adequate reasons, by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee. (24 Jan 1998)


Section 1. The Association shall consist of individual members who shall belong to fleets, which shall be under the jurisdiction of the Executive Committee.
Section 2. Any three or more owners of three or more measured Mercury Yachts on whose home waters no fleet exists, may be granted a fleet charter upon application to the Vice-President. Each fleet may elect its own officers, collect local dues, if so desired, and govern the affairs of the fleet consistent with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Association. The fleets shall elect officers by December 31st of each year and these officers shall take office at the same time as the new Association officers in January. (31 Jan 1970)
Section 3. (17 Aug 1963) Deleted (24 Jan 1998 )
Section 4. MCYRA Districts

(1) The California Coastal Counties above the 37 degree parallel except Santa Cruz County.
(2) The area known as the Central Valleys of California, Santa Cruz County, Monterey County and the eastern part of the State above the 37 degree parallel.
(3) The Coastal Counties below Monterey County and above Los Angeles County.
(4) Los Angeles, Orange and San Diego Counties plus the eastern part of the State south of the 37 degree parallel.
(5) The States of Washington, Oregon and the Pacific coast area of Canada.
(6) New districts shall be established by the Executive Committee.
Section 5. Each fleet shall be required to file an annual report of its activities and a complete roster of fleet officers and member s with the Secretary of the Association during the month of January of each year in order to renew its rights and privileges under its charter. Charters may be revoked at the annual meeting by the Executive Committee for failure to maintain in good standing the minimum of three boats necessary for a new fleet, or for other adequate reasons.

ARTICLE VIII. OFFICERS Titles-Duties-Method of Election 

Section 1. The officers of the Association shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Chief Measurer, Secretary -Treasurer and District Representatives. They shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Executive Committee. Voting shall be by ballot and the candidate receiving a majority of the votes cast for the office to which he is nominated shall be elected.
Section 2. The President shall preside at all meetings, shall be chairman of the Executive Committee, and ex-officio member of all committees other than the race committee. He shall appoint all special committee members, and shall authorize the payment of all bills.
Section 3. The Vice-President shall have charge of promotional activities such as the development of the class, organization of new fleets, granting charters, etc., and shall have the duties of the President in the latter’s absence. In addition, the Vice-President will be the General Chairman of the MCYRA Championship Series, his committee to come from the host fleet. (25 Jul 1962)

Section 4. The Chief Measurer shall receive and approve or reject measurement certificates in accordance with the tolerances established by the Executive Committee and shall maintain a file of the measurement certificates for each measured boat. He shall answer all correspondence relative to measurements, building materials, new methods of construction, etc. (a) The MCYRA President in conjunction with the Chief Measurer, shall appoint at least two official regional measurers with assigned district of responsibility. These personnel shall constitute the MCYRA measurement committee.
Section 5. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be in charge of all the secretarial work of the Association. He shall be responsible for the minutes of the meetings, records, general information, and correspondence. He shall be in charge of the funds of the Association. He shall receive all dues and fees. He shall disburse money only on the order of the President.
Section 6. District Representatives shall assist in organizing new fleets, promote the MCYRA and make semi-annual and annual reports to the President on the activities in their districts. (7 Aug 1963)
Section 7. The new officers of the Association shall take office immediately after the close of business of the Annual Meeting held each January, and shall serve until the installation of new officers. (25 Jan 1969)
Section 8. Not more than two of the following officers may be elected from the same fleet: President, Vice-President, Measurer, Secretary-Treasurer.


Section 1. Executive Committee - the powers of the association shall be vested in and exercised by the Executive Committee, consisting of the officers, the last past President and the Fleet Captain of each fleet.
Section 2. Technical Committee -In advisory capacity to the Executive Committee Shall investigate new construction methods and other technological developments, and make recommendations. (24 Jan 1998)
(a) The Committee shall consist of three members appointed by and include the Chief Measurer. (24 Jan 1998)
(b) The Committee shall review all proposed Specification changes and report its findings to the Executive Committee.
(c) The Committee shall have final authority to interpret the specifications.
(d) Deleted (24 Jan 1998)
Section 3. Appointed Officers and Committees -The following officers and committees shall be appointed by the officers and serve during the tenure of the appointing officers.
(a) Deleted (24 Jan 1998)
(b) Deleted (24 Jan 1998)
(c) The Mold Committee shall supervise the construction, maintenance and use of all molds used to build Mercury Class Yachts whether owned by the Association or the builder. (31 Jan 1976)
(d) Special Officers or Committees may be appointed by the President as necessary. (24 Jan 1998) 
Section 4. Scheduling committee - shall schedule MCYRA sponsored regattas.
(a) The committee shall consist of the District Representatives and the Vice - President and shall be chaired by the Vice - President.
(b) It shall be the responsibility of the committee to prepare, after discussing with the appropriate fleet representatives who have obtained approval of local yacht clubs, the regatta schedule for the coming year. (24 Jan 1998)
(c) The committee shall present a preliminary schedule to the fleet captains by December 1st. The final schedule shall be presented at the Annual meeting. (26 Jan 1980)


Section 1. The Annual Meeting of this Association shall be held each year. The meeting will be held at a suitable location as established by the President. Notice and Agenda of the Annual Meeting will be mailed to all members of the Executive Committee at least 20 days prior to the meeting. Any items not on the agenda cannot be discussed or voted on without at least 50% affirmative votes of those present. (30 Jan 1993) (24 Jan 1998)
Section 2. Notice and agenda of special meetings will be mailed to members of the Executive Committee at least 20 days prior to the meeting. The purpose thereof must be stated in such form as to permit voting by mail and only items on the agenda will be voted on. No other business shall be transacted. (15 Apr 1964)
Section 3. The voting strength for the Annual Meeting of each year shall be based on the paid membership for the preceding year. (25 Jan 1969)
Section 4. A special meeting of the Executive Committee may be called by order of the President without 20 days notice as follows:
(a) The President and with the agreement of any three (3) officers of the Association.
(b) A petition signed by at least 50% of the fleet captains and any one (1) officer of the Association. The purpose and specific business to be transacted at this special meeting must be in written form and available to the Executive Committee. No other business may be discussed or transacted during the special meeting. (25 Jan 1969)


Section 1. Each member of the Executive Committee shall be entitled to cast one vote. Each fleet captain shall be entitled to cast one additional vote for each Mercury Yacht enrolled in said fleet, but no fleet captain shall cast more than 25% of the votes cast. Membership books close ten days before the meeting. Proxies must be in writing and submitted to the Secretary. A majority of the votes present shall decide all questions not otherwise stipulated.
Section 2. Voting may be done by mail upon order of two of the officers or upon demand in writing by 25% of the fleets and that 50% of the fleets must vote to constitute a quorum.
Section 3. Mail ballots must be voted and returned within 20 days from the date on the ballot in order to be counted. (27 Jan 1973)


1. Call to order
2. Roll call of fleets and officers
3. Minutes of last meeting and Treasurer’s report
4. Reports of officers and committees.
5. Charters ratified and revoked.
6. Unfinished business
7. New business
8. Selection of site and date of next Championship Series.
9. Election of officers for the following year.
10. Adjournment. A quorum shall be six members or proxy holders, representing at least 50% of the fleets.


Section 1. The Constitution, By-Laws, Rules and Specifications of this Association can only be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee .
Section 2. An amendment shall have an indicated effective date. (25 Jul 1962)



Section 1. There shall be an Initiation fee of $5.00 for each individual member, payable to the Association upon his acceptance as a member. Associate members shall pay the initiation fee when converting to active membership, (29 Jan 1972) (24 Jan 1998) (15 Dec 2001)

Section 2. The annual Association dues shall be $40.00 for active and boat owning associate members, and $10.00 for associate members payable to the Association March 1. (29 Jan 1994) (24 Jan 1998) (15 Dec 2001)
Section 3. Deleted  (7 Aug 1963) (24 Jan 1998 )
Section 4. Fleet dues are optional, and, if any, are to be kept by the fleet.
Section 5. Deleted (24 Jan 1998)
Section 6. In order to race, a member’s current annual dues must be paid.

Section 1. A boat is eligible and considered in the Mercury Class only if it conforms to the specifications and to the measurement rules as certified by a class measurement certificate, has been properly registered, and is owned by a qualified active member or members, recorded at the time as in good standing with the Association.
Section 2. Races other than the Mercury Championship Series, must be skippered or co-skippered by active members of the MCYRA. Evidence of co-ownership or charter must be in writing.
(a) Such members, in good standing, may with a valid reason; apply to an officer of the MCYRA, or to the fleet captain of the host fleet, for permission to borrow a boat to compete in a particular race or series. (15 Apr 1964)
(b) Non-members of the MCYRA may be granted permission by the fleet captain of the host fleet to borrow a boat and to compete in a particular race or series as a guest skipper. This privilege shall be limited to four races per year. (15 Apr 1964)

Section 1. The official Mercury Class plans, are the plans listed in Article Ii of the class Specifications. Plans available on the web page. (21 Jan 2006)
Section 2. Franchises to build fiberglass hulls shall be issued by the Executive Committee, who shall also set the franchise fee. The franchise fee shall be $100.00 per boat and the builder is to charge an additional fee of $100.00 for supplying layup instructions. (28 Jan 1978)

Section 1. The official number shall be assigned by the Secretary of the MCYRA.
Section 2. Franchised fiberglass builders shall pay a fee of $10.00 per number. All other applicants must join the MCYRA for one year in order to obtain a number.
Section 3. The number must be carved or burnt into (or be permanently affixed to) the keelson between frames four and five - if the boat is made of wood. Franchised fiberglass builders may select a more convenient location for the boat number, as long as it is installed permanently and is readily visible.
Section 4. All yachts must carry the Mercury emblem and assigned number in numerals at least 10 inches high on each side of the mainsail (15 Apr 1964)

Section 1. All boats which have applied for measurement shall be eligible to enter any race of the Mercury Class, except the National with the approval of the race committee or fleet captain. (25 Jan 1969)
(a) All boats will be measured or re measured under the system used at the time. (3 Aug 1966)

Section 2. Boats shall be measured on appointed days by an official regional measurer. These measurements shall be adjudicated by the measurement committee as soon as possible, which if it approves the measurements shall issue a measurement certificate. (25 Jan 1969)
Section 3. All boats with measurement certificates shall be considered legal unless, on remeasurement, significant differences in dimensions a rediscovered in which case the measurement committee may declare them illegal. (25 Jan 1969)
Section 4. Boats shall be subject to remeasurement upon protest and posting a $10.00 cash bond, if the protest is disallowed the bond will be paid to the measurer, if the protest is allowed the bond will be returned to the protesting party and the protested party shall pay $10.00 to the measurer and the measurement certificate shall be revoked.
Section 5. All fiberglass hulls manufactured by the franchised builder, (refer Specifications Article III, Section 2), will waive present hull measurement system, (refer By-Laws, Article V, Section 1, (a)) in lieu of following: (31 Jan 1976)
(a) Weigh bare keel and keel bolts (minimum -610 lbs. maximum - 635 lbs.)
(b) Weigh the entire keel assembly (fiberglass sock, keel and deadwood assembly) to be minimum 675 lbs. - maximum 700 lbs. Weight to be recorded and submitted by builder. (Jan 1983)
(c) Weigh entire hull (refer Specifications, Article III, Section 1, (e).)
(d) Weighing will be done with a class owned and maintained scale that is certified a minimum of once a year by a government agency. Scale to be used only by Class Measurer or his representative who will maintain possession of scale. (4 Dec 1988, prior subsection (d) deleted).

Section 1. Deleted (24 Jan 1998)
Section 2. Deleted (24 Jan 1998)
Section 3. Crew - a yacht shall be raced with a crew of no more than two persons. Additional crew under thirteen years shall be permitted. (This does not apply to the Nationals which require no more or less than two people in boat). At local option, this rule may be changed by notifying participants in advance. (25 Jan 1969)
Section 4. The current USSA racing rules shall govern all fleet and Association races. (24 Jan 1998 ) 

(a)Alternative Penalties: RRS 44.1, is changed so that if an incident occurs outside the zone, the penalty shall be one turn instead of two turns. (January 2009)

(b) RRS 25 and 41 are amended to allow for on-the-water communcations, including time to start and OCS, between the Race Committee and racing boats via VHF radio (24 Jan 2004).

(c) RRS 62 is changed to state that neither failure of the Race Committee to communicate the sail numbers of recalled boats in a timely manner. nor failure of a recalled boat to receive or hear transmitted information, will be grounds for redress. (24 Jan 2004)

Section 5. Deleted (24 Jan 1998)
Section 6. Haulouts shall be governed by each fleet.

Section 1. Association champion - the winner of the Mercury Championship Series shall be entitled to wear the class emblem in gold on his sail with small numerals denoting the year that the championship was won.
Section 2. Fleet Champions shall be entitled to wear on their sail a chevron of approximately 120 degrees with each leg 1-1/2 inches wide and 6 inches long of the same color as the numbers. One additional chevron may be added for each subsequent fleet championship won.
Section 3. Limitations - the honor of wearing an award belongs to the winning skipper and cannot be transferred to another person.

Section 1. All MCYRA members are eligible to compete in Silver fleet events except: (a) Any skipper finishing in the top third (rounded to the next lowest) of the National Championship. (b) Deleted (24 Jan 1998) (c) Any skipper finishing in the top three of any MCYRA sponsored open event.
Section 2. Any Silver fleet skipper who qualifies for both an Gold & Silver place award, will be awarded both awards.
Section 3. Nothing in these guidelines shall disqualify a skipper from competing in Gold fleet.
Section 4. Rules governing Silver fleet sailing in local fleet races are left to the discretion of the local fleet.

Section 5. Local Silver fleet status shall have no bearing on MCYRA Silver-fleet status.
Section 6. Unless the Silver fleet has a separate start Silver fleet race finishes shall not be scored independently from other competitors.
Section 7. Competitors must claim their Silver fleet status prior to the beginning of any Silver fleet event in order to be ranked in the Silver fleet for that event.
Section 8. Deleted (24 Jan 1998)
Section 9. Any Silver fleet skipper who has not lost Silver fleet eligibility in the previous five (5) years regains eligibility. (Feb 1982)

Section 1. Purpose: To determine annually the champion of the entire Mercury Class (24 Jan 1998 )
Section 2. Entries: The Championship Series shall be open to any skipper who is an active member, and has returned to the home fleet a written entry to said Championship Series prior to the start of the series. (Dec 1985) (24 Jan 1998)
Section 3. Championship Series bids for the current year will be received and voted upon by the Executive Committee at the annual meeting in January. (31 Jan 1970) (24 Jan 1998)
Section 4. Home Fleet - the responsibility for arranging and providing for the proper facilities, entertainment, housing, etc., shall rest with the fleet on whose waters the series is held. In this regard it must cooperate with and be guided by the Executive Committee.
Section 5. Conditions Governing Race
(a) Shall be conducted as a 5 race series with no throw-out race. No champion shall be declared in a series with less than three races completed (27 Jan. 1996)
(b) Deleted (27 Jan 1996)
(c) Deleted (24 Jan 1998)
(d) Deleted (12 May 1990) (24 Jan 1998)
Section 6. Eligibility
(a) Each year prior to the Nationals a notice will be sent to the membership stating items to be measured as established by the measurement committee. These items shall be checked at the Nationals during the time of weigh in and sail measurement. (26 Jan 1980)
(i) Not more than two (2) suits of sails will be allowed each contestant at the nationals.
(ii) Sails shall be measured and hulls weighed prior to the first race. Sails previously measured at a championship and unchanged need not be remeasured. All sails so measured shall be marked in a distinctive fashion, and only measured and marked sails may be used. (4 Dec 1988)
(b) Skipper (helmsman) must be an active member, enrolled in the fleet he or she represents, be a bona fide owner, charterer, or designated syndicate representative of boat to be sailed by this person. Evidence of co-ownership or charter must be in writing. (24 Jan 1998)  
(i) No changes shall be made in the skippers during the championship series, except in case of serious illness, in which event a coowner, having been a part-owner or charterer (24 Jan 2015) prior to the championship series, of the boat owned or chartered by the original skipper, may be substituted. Changes under this paragraph can only be made after approval of the Race Committee. After such substitution, the original skipper may not act as crew.
(ii) In case of a change in skippers during the championship series as set forth in Section 6, (c), (i), above, the original skipper designated on the entry form, shall be considered the skipper in command for the purpose of determining the Association Champion.
(d) Each yacht shall have on file an acceptable measurement certificate prior to the first Championship race. (24 Jan 1998)

Section 7. Deleted (24 Jan 1998)
Section 8. Deleted (24 Jan 1998)
Section 9. General Procedure (a) Deleted (24 Jan 1998) (b) The MCYRA shall have supervision of the general conduct of the series. All other details and questions in connection with the holding of the Association Championship Series, shall be submitted to the officers for approval .
Section 10. Finances (a) The association will disperse $500 to the host fleet to be used at their discretion. (1983) (25 Jan 2014)
Section 11. Deleted (24 Jan 1998) - Effective date of item. Note: For the purpose of these rules the terms Championship Series and Nationals refer to the same series.



Section 1. To maintain the legality of any boat built prior to the adoption or changes of this specification, provided that it conforms to the specifications in effect at the time of its measurements being accepted, or unless the change expressly states it is to apply to such boats. (25 Jul 1959)
Section 2. To maintain the one-design characteristics of the Mercury Class Yacht
Section 3. To permit construction of the yacht by professional or amateur builders.
Section 4. To provide for the adoption of new construction practices and materials.


Section 1. The drawings listed below are hereby adopted as the official design and by this reference are made a part of this specification .
(a) Drawing # 1 Profile, Mercury Class Yacht
Drawing # 2 Offsets, Mercury Class Yacht
Drawing # 3 Stem and frames 1 through 5
Drawing # 4 Frames 6 through 9 and transom
Drawing # 5 Rudder
Drawing # 6 Mast and mast hardware
Drawing # 7 Rigging Plan
Drawing # 8 Not Used
Drawing # 9 Arrangement
Drawing #10 Sail Plan
Drawing #11 Boom and boom hardware
Drawing #12 Optional booms
Drawing #13 Keel Profile
Drawing #14 Trailer
Drawing #15 Not Used
Drawing #16 Not Used
Drawing #17 Not Used
Drawing #18 Assembly details
(b) The official drawings will carry the approval date. (c) Drawings are available from the Mercury Class Secretary only.
Section 2. The Association’s measurement certificate is the only recognized proof of eligibility to the Mercury Class. Infringement of the following specifications subjects a yacht built or modified after adoption of this specification to remeasurement and voiding of the original certificate.
Section 3. In the case of any variance between these specifications and the design plans of the Mercury Class, these specifications shall be supreme.
Section 4. The Mercury Class Yacht shall hereafter be built as stated in these specifications and the Mercury Class Yacht official design plans. There are tolerances but they are known to the MCYRA Measurer only. Build as close to the specifications and plans as possible.
Section 5. Alterations may not be made to the shape of the hull or keel of a fiberglass or a measured Mercury. (26 Jan 2013)


Section 1. dimensions
(a) Length overall 18 feet
(b) Beam 5 feet 4 inches
(c) Water Line 13 feet (approximately )
(d) Draft 3 feet 1 inch (approximately )
(e) Weight (less spars & loose gear) 1100 lbs min. (1 Jul 1964)
(i) An under weight yacht may be brought up to weight by adding weight above a plane parallel to the waterline and intersecting a point 4-1/4 inches above the top of keelson at station 5. (1 Jul 1964)
Section 2. Construction - Hulls must be constructed of wood or fiberglass. The material used in constructing fiberglass hulls must conform to the specifications established by the Technical Committee and the molds used must be certified by the Measurement Committee. Franchises to build fiberglass Mercury Yachts will be issued by the Executive Committee.
(a) Keelson - Hardwood, 1-1/4 thick one piece or laminated.

(b) Deadwood - Douglas fir, mahogany, port orford cedar or plywood, providing that all internal space is filled with wood. (17 Nov 1962)
(c) Planking - 3/8 douglas fir, mahogany or fiberglass.
(d) Transom - 3/4 plywood, solid hardwood or fiberglass.
(e) Stem - 2 hardwood, one piece or laminated.
(f) Frames - 3/4 plywood as per plan or 3/4 x 3 hardwood with suitable joiners at keelson and chine.
Section 3. Wood decks must adhere to the following:
(a) Deck must be planked with douglas fir plywood or hardwood not less than 3/8 thick.
(b) Beams must be wood and not less than 3/4 x 1-3/4 inch throughout.

(c) King Plank, covering board, and deck covering - optional.
(d) The deck at it’s narrowest point opposite the cockpit, shall not be less than 12 inches or more than 15 inches.
(e) The crown of the deck at the mast partner shall be per plan.
(f) Beams may not be altered to lighten boat.
Section 4. Deck arrangement
(a) Open cockpit per plan.
(b) Cuddy optional as per plan.
(c) Dimensions and shape of cockpit are controlled as follows; the aftermost extremity of the opening must be not less than 5-1/2 inches forward of station 8. The forward most extremity of the opening must not be less than 8 inches aft of station 3.
(d) The maximum overhang of deck or splash board at sheer shall not exceed the Schock overhang at any comparable location. *(28 Jan. 1978)
Section 5. Hull and deck fastenings - The use of aluminum and magnesium is prohibited.
Section 6. Hardware - deleted. (31 Jan 1970)
Section 7. Mast Step, Mast Placement and Mast Movement - (There are three elements that control the aforementioned items; mast step height, foward most position of the mast step,and from which point the mast is allowed to pivot. Each element has an absolute value and the procedure for obtaining each is described further below. For this section, all measurements are from the stem, excluding the stem fitting. The mast must be stepped on the keelson or on a base, no part of which may be more than 7-1/2 inches above the upper face of the keelson or, in a boat without a keelson, the equivalent of the keelson location. The mast at the deck may not be foward of 63 inches from the stem. Refer to Subsection 7 (b). (28 Jan 1995) (22 Jan 2005) (a) Mast Base Location - The mast at all times be stepped aft of the vertical perpendicular from a point measured 65-3/4 inches from the stem. Refer to subsection 7(c). (28 Jan 1995) (24 Jan 1998) (22 Jan 2005) (b) Mast Movement- The mast base may be allowed to move fore and aft, but not more than 2-3/4 inches.However, if the measurement of the mast, at the deck, is less than 65 inches, the mast base may not be moved at all. (30 Jan 1993) (22 Jan 2005) (c) Mast Base Location Measurement Procedure- The vertical perpendicular described in subsection 7(a) is measured perpendicular to the deck, along the centerline. Thus, extending a carpenter's square laid along the centerline of the bridgedeck downward to the mast step from a point 65-3/4 inches aft of the bow defines the foward most position of the mast at its base. However this procedure assumes the deck is unaltered from its original shape, which must be either consistent with plan or from an approved mold. To the degree this procedure conflicts with Subsection 7(a), Subsection 7(a) shall be controlling. (22 Jan 2005) (d) Mast Step Measurement Procedure - For a Boat without a keelson, the equivalent location is determined by laying a 3/4 inch high by 4 inches wide board in the athwartship center of the boat as closeto the mast step as possible and measuring vertically from its upper face to the upper most portion of the mast step. If in so doing the board is high centered, the amount of the high center shall be deducted from the measurement. To the degree this procedure conflicts with Section 7, the intent of ,Section 7 shall be controlling. ( 22 Jan 2005) 
Section 8. Lead keel:

(a) Must be a lead casting. (2 Aug 1967)
(b) The weight of the keel together with the bolts, washers and nuts shall not exceed 635 pounds.
(c) Keels cast in any mold owned by the Association or certified builder, need not be certified as to weight or measurement. (25 Jan 1969)
(d) The MCYRA drawing #13 is the official plan for keels and any keel which measures to this plan and is within the weight restriction, shall be acceptable.
(e) Keels on Mercury Yachts which otherwise measure, may at the discretion of the Chief Measurer and three officers of the MCYRA, be exempt from weight measurement if previously installed and the owner had no knowledge of the MCYRA rules or has no proof of purchase (15 Apr 1967)
(f) The keel may be physically measured by the method established, and approved by the Chief Measurer and any three MCYRA officers. (15 Apr 1967)
Section 9. The tiller is to have a metal jaw, to be fitted and fastened securely to the rudder post, diameter as per plan.
Section 10. Rudder and rudder post shall be as per plan.
Section 11. Fiberglass covering - Boats made of wood may be covered with fiberglass except that its use must not interfere with the official plans and specifications.
Section 12. Fillets between hull and deadwood shall not exceed 1/4 inch radius.

Section 1. Mast

(a) Mast and rigging as per plan.
(b) The height from the deck to the top of the mast shall not exceed 24 feet 6 inches. (21 Jan 06)
(c) The mast must be of solid wood or aluminum. (31 Jan 1970 )
(d) There shall be no revolving mast.
(e) The mast must be slotted to take a sail bolt rope, and the diameter of the slot shall not exceed 5/8 inch when wood is the material.
(f) Deleted. (27 Jan 1979)
(g) The mast shall have from one to three pair of painted horizontal bands not less than 1/2 inch wide. In each set of bands, the distance between the top edge of the lower band and the bottom edge of the upper band, shall not exceed 21 feet 11 inches. When multiple bands are used, different colors shall be used for each pair of bands, contrasting from the color of other bands in the set and and in all cases from the color of the mast. The same sequence of colors used in the lower set will be repeated in the upper set.The measurement from the deck to the bottom of the top band shall not exceed 24'1 (21 Jan 2006)
(h) The entire mainsail at all times must be between the lower edge of one of the upper mast bands and the upper edge of the corresponding lower mast band.
(i ) The minimum spacing in the sets shall be 5 inches between individual bands.
(i) The backstay intersection on the masthead crane must not extend more than 6 1/2 inches aft of the after face of the mast measured perpendicular to the mast. (1 Jan 1963) (Jan 2009) Retroactive, applies to all boats.
Section 2. Boom
(a)Boom as per plan - must be made of wood or aluminum and shall not extend more than 9 feet 5 inches from the after face of the mast at the bolt rope slot. (31 Jan 1970)
(b) & (c) Deleted. (Jan 1969)
(d) Deleted (Jan 2010).
(e) The boom shall have a 1/2 inch band painted on both sides, the forward face of which shall not be more than 9 foot 1 inch from the after face of the mast at the bolt rope slot. (3 Aug 1966) Retroactive, applies to all boats.
Section 3. Wisker pole
(a) No restriction on length.
(b) When in use it must be held to the mast. (inboard end)


Section 1. The rigging shall be as depicted on Rigging Plan, Mercury Class Yacht, drawn by W. L. MacDonald, 4 Nov. 1957 and numbered drawing number 7, as revised 7 August 1963. (15 Apr 1964) Retroactive, applies to all boats.
Section 2. Jib stay
(a) The projected intersection of the jib stay with the forward side of the mast at a point not more than 17 feet 5 inches (+ or - 4 inches) above the deck.
(b) The projected intersection of the jib stay with the deck shall be at a point no more than 8 inches aft of the forward most part of the stem and on the centerline.
(c) The minimum size of the jib stay is 3/32 inch diameter.
Section 3. Upper shroud
(a) Installed as per plan.
(b) Adjustable tension device (other than a turnbuckle or other tension device not readily adjustable under way) and/or quick release device is not a permissible installation (4 Dec 1988) Retroactive. Applies to all boats.
(c) Minimum size 3/32 inch diameter.
Section 4. Lower shroud
(a) Installed as per plan. Projection of intersection point with mast, shall not be more than 5 inches below centerline of spreader. (15 Apr 1964)
(b) Adjustable tensions device and/or quick release device is a permissible installation. The intersection point of the shroud with deck, projected or actual, must not be further aft than 87 from station 0. If the intersection point is variable then no additional quick release mechanisms are allowed (4 Dec 1988) (Jan 2009) Retroactive. Applies to all boats.
(c) Minimum size, 3/32 inch diameter.
Section 5. Lower shroud (optional) (forward )
(a) An auxiliary lower shroud may be added which attaches to a chain plate located forward of the mast. It shall be fastened to the mast at the same point as the regular shroud . (Not shown on drawing No. 7, not recommended )
(b) Minimum size, 3/32 inch diameter.
Section 6. Backstay
(a) The permanent backstay shall attach to the mast head and the after face of backstay shall not be more than 1 inch aft of intersection of deck and transom. (15 Jul 1964)
(b) Adjustable tension devices and/or quick release device is a permissible installation.
(c) Minimum size, 1/16 inch diameter.
Section 7. Chainplates - The shrouds shall attach to fixed chainplates either above or below the deck and the method of fastening to the hull is optional within the limits of Article III, and Drawing No. 7. (Jan 1979)
Section 8. Jumpers
(a) Installed as per plan. Projected intersection point with mast shall not be more than 16 inches above centerline of spreaders. (4 Dec 1988)
(b) Minimum size, 1/16 inch diameter.
(c) Jumpers are optional. (Sep 1986)
(d) Maximum separation 90 degrees. Masts prior to 1-25-97 allows an addition 20 degrees. (Jan 1997)



Section 1. Only mainsail and jib allowed - General requirements. (May 1972)
(a) Material: Sails shall be of woven material including head, tack and clew patches. (Jan 2010).

(b) Sails must be dry at the time of measurement.
(c) Transparent window(s) of nonwoven material may be used in the jib and/or mainsail. The max. area of the window(s) must be less than 10 square feet in the jib and 15 square feet in the mainsail. Window material may extend into the patches. For sails completed by the sailmaker after April 1, 2010 the portion in the patch shall be included in the maximum area calculation. (Jan 2010)
(d) Sail control - all approved sails shall have a serial number inscribed in the box of an emblem stamped on the port clew of each sail. The first two digits of the serial number will be the last two digits of the year in which the sail was built, followed by a dash, then the boat sail number.

Section 2. Mainsail Maximum dimensions. (17 May 1972)
(a) The mainsail luff and foot shall not be extended beyond the bands on the mast and boom defined in Article IV, Section 1, (g) and Section 2, (e).
(b) The length of the leech shall not be more than 22 feet 8 inches from the topmost forward corner of the headboard to the extreme left corner of the clew excluding the bolt rope. The leech shall be a fair curve over its entire length.
(c)Roach-luff to leech maximum measurements.
(i) Deleted (Nov 2004)
(ii) The half sail point 5 feet 10 inches
(iii) The three quarter point 3 feet 5 inches
(d) Battens - The centers of the batten pockets must be located within 3 inches of the corresponding three girth measurement points. Maximum lengths of the batten pockets measured from the leach to the forward edge of the pocket material:
(i) Top pocket 25.5 inches
(ii) Center pocket 37.5 inches
(iii) Lower pocket 37.5 inches
Battens shall have a minimum width of 1/2 inch and a maximum width of 2 inches.
(e) The mainsail may have a headboard made of any material. The maximum headboard width when measured perpendicular to bolt rope and immediately aft of it to the intersection point of the headboard and material of the sail shall not exceed 6-3/4 inches. (See drawing.)
(f) The mainsail may have an extra luff and foot grommet for tension adjustment.
(g) A loose footed mainsail is permitted with foot roach not to exceed seven inches. The clew shall be attached to the boom independent of the outhaul. (30 Jan 1993)
Section 3. Jib -maximum dimensions. (Jan 1979)
(a) For sails completed by the sailmaker after April 1, 2010, the jib luff, foot and leach shall have sides measuring no more than 188", 92" & 177" respectively (see drawing). These measurements shall be taken between the projected points of the head, tack and clew. The jib and all parts thereof (except the foot roach) shall, when laid flat with sufficient tension applied simultaneously to the three sides to remove all wrinkles along the edges, fall entirely within the profile. The foot roach, shall be measured from the projected points of the tack and clew, with the cloth  laying as flat as possible. It shall not exceed 5 inches. "All Parts thereof" - includes grommets, cringles and leather work edging the corners of the sail. It does not include jib sheets, jib luff wire or thimble at the head of the sail. The tack of the jib shall at all times be fastened aft of the forestay and on the center line of the boat. A forestay is obligatory. (Jan 2010)

(b) An adjustable luff is acceptable. (28 Jan 1978)

(c) A headboard is not permitted, likewise battens are not permitted .
(d) All jibs built after Aug. 24, 1978 shall be able to be hoisted and lowered without disconnecting forestay .
Section 4. Spinnaker - (optional at fleet level)  (2 Aug 1967)
(a) Luff 17 feet 6 inches
(b) Foot 11 feet
(c) Girth 12 feet
(d) All dimensions are maximum out to out on sail plan. Girth to be measured at a point 8 feet below hoist.
(e) Tension during measurement shall be just enough to remove wrinkles.
(f) Spinnaker pole to be a maximum of 7 feet.
(g) Spinnaker may be hoisted from any point between jib block and jumper, however, it is recommended that the spinnaker block be located at the intersection of the jumpers and mast.


Section 1. Rudder post may be such that the tiller is above or below the deck.
Section 2. Flotation devices are optional.
Section 3. Deck-stepped masts are allowed as follows:
a. The forward face of the mast at the base may not be forward of 65-3/4" from the stem, excluding the stem fitting.
b. The forward face of the mast at a point 5' above the deck must not be less than 82-7/8"from the stem when the mast is at its forward-most position with the backstay and all other aft-loading running rigging maximally eased.
c. A mast strut must be installed into the boat's normal mast step. Installation must be in such a fashion as to avoid the strut jumping the step. It may be of any material but care must be taken to ensure it is of sufficient strength to carry the loads it will experience under sail.
d. For a boat with a deck-stepped mast, unless the strut is readily removable, the boat will be weighed with the strut in the boat.


Section 1. Ballast - no inside or shifting ballast shall be allowed. (24 Jan 1998)
Section 2. An anchor with a minimum of 100 feet of 1/4 inch diameter nylon or dacron line attached, shall be carried. The anchor may not weigh less than 4 pounds not more than 30 pounds. (30 Jan 1993)
Section 3. Each boat shall have a personal floatation device for each person aboard and one USCG throwable buoyant cushion or life ring. (25 Jan 1997)
Section 4. One oar or paddle shall be carried.
Section 5. A signal horn or whistle shall be carried by each boat.
Section 6. Each boat shall carry a workable manual bilge pump or bailing can, an additional electric bilge pump is allowed. (Jan 2010)
Section 7. No mechanical hiking device, outside of the cockpit will be permitted. Existing stays and spars may be used for hiking but may not be modified in any way for this purpose. (25 July 1962)
Section 8. No electronic equipment is allowed, except a timer, speedometer and a digital compass that is an entirely self contained unit solely to provide direction and tacking prompts. (Jan 2010)

This document is to help the PRO to make decisions on the water that are compatible with the wishes of the Mercury Fleet. These are only suggestions for running the races. 

1. It is the intention of the class to give the PRO, as soon as possible before the days racing, the name of the racing fleet member who will be the fleet representative on the water for questions concerning the racing for this regatta. 

2. The MCYRA Rules allow for VHF radios to be used on the water. The PRO has the advantage of communicating with the fleet on the water. As a fleet we welcome information such as delay of starts, OCS boats, end of race day, etc. 

3. The MCYRA Rules change RRS 44.1 so that if an incident occurs outside the zone the penalty shall be one-turn instead of two -turns, 

4. The fleet requests arbitration prior to any protest hearings, and if a regatta does not provide for arbitration, someone from the fleet will be selected to be the arbitrator.

5. The MCYRA requests:
a. Windward-leeward courses.
b. First windward legs as close to one mile as possible with an offset mark to be approximately six boat-lengths or less from the weather mark.
c. Gate marks when possible for leeward marks.
d. Subsequent races to begin as soon as possible after the last boat finishes the previous race previous race.
e. No starts when the wind speed is above the following: 20 knots, or puffs above 21 knots, in flat water or protecteded areas. 16 knots, or puffs above 18 knots in adverse sea and current conditions, or ocean.

As you can see, these are suggestions that the PRO may, and sometimes should, based on conditions, override. These guidelines are not provided to inhibit the PRO decisions, but for fleet-building for our class. Please contact Hal McCormack with any questions about this document. Also, to assist us in improving our fleet racing, we would appreciate receiving constructive feedback from PRO’s and Race Committee personel. After the regatta, please take a few minutes to send us any feedback. Hal McCormack’s contact is norcal.compass@verizon.net or 415 892 7177 (phone).

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